Social Security Video Training
Watch this video series for information on tools and support available at no cost to help you incorporate Social Security claiming strategies into your practice.
Attract Baby Boomer Clients With The Universal Language of Social Security
This webinar will cover: Who’s eligible for Social Security and how benefits are calculated, claiming strategies for single beneficiaries and married couples, and the tools and support available at no cost to help you incorporate Social Security claiming strategies into your practice. Presented by Marc Kiner, President of Premier Social Security Consulting.
Social Security Strategies for Divorced and Widowed Clients
This webinar will cover: What is the Social Security earnings test and why it matters, spousal and survivor benefits that may be available to divorced or widowed beneficiaries, and the tools and support available at no cost to help you incorporate Social Security claiming strategies into your practice. Presented by Marc Kiner, President of Premier Social Security Consulting.
Social Security Strategies for Public Employees and Survivors
This webinar will cover: Which government employees may and may not be eligible for Social Security? Provisions that can reduce Social Security benefits for public-sector workers, who can get survivor benefits and how they work with claiming strategies, and the tools and support available at no cost to help you incorporate Social Security claiming strategies into your practice. Presented by Marc Kiner, President of Premier Social Security Consulting.