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Your Clients Need Guidance – Let’s Talk About Final Expense


Final Expense 101 — take the first step in growing your final expense business by learning from the specialists at SMS

Many aging baby boomers are realizing they may outlive their retirement savings, leaving little cash to pay for end-of-life expenses. Without proper planning, many of these obligations get passed on to the family, bringing additional stress during an already difficult time. Selling final expense insurance is a great way to maximize your senior-age client relationships by positioning yourself as a resource for this sought-after protection.

This video covers:

  • What is final expense insurance
  • The benefits of it and why you should consider selling it
  • How to overcome client objections
  • Methods to build your final expense and life insurance business
Matt Hays Sherilyn Lessley

Matt Hays
Internal Marketing Consultant

Sherilyn Lessley
Internal Marketing Consultant


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